Monday, September 13, 2010

Edible clothing

Kingston University student Emily Crane has taken fashion design to a new level with her edible creations. She does much of her work in a freezer, experimenting with types of gelatin, seaweed and food dyes. She has collaborated with both chemists and chefs in concocting new kinds of edible fabric.

One of her earlier works was a bubble dress, shown below modeled by her sister. Yes, it’s made of bubbles. That dress lasted only seven minutes before melting. Not something to wear to a party.

Felicity Crane in the bubble dress.

Credit: Kingston University

Her later attempts to grow food into clothing have been more permanent. Eventually, Crane hopes to design and sell clothing growing kits. As she says,

People would be able to buy packs which would include everything they need to cultivate their own uniquely tailored outfits.

Depending on the type of party, guests could even eat their outfits. Though that might not catch on. I suspect that the clothing, while technically edible, wouldn’t necessarily be particularly tasty.

If you happen to be in town during London Fashion Week (starting Friday Sept. 17th) you can see her work on display.

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