Sunday, November 13, 2011

Voting at the Mall

Robert Stein from Rice University and Greg Vonnahme from the University of Alabama propose that cities open up voting centers in addition to regular polling places.  These centers would be in retail areas with easy access and large parking lots. 

According to a U.S. census, 64% of adult citizens cast a vote in 2008 election.  Although this is admittedly higher than I feared, it could still stand some improvement. Attempts to raise voting levels have included implementing what are termed ‘non-precinct voting.’  This is any voting that occurs outside of the neighborhood or precinct in which the voter lives.  The most common examples of non-precinct voting are early voting or vote-by-mail.

Stein and Vonnahme propose adding voting centers to the list of ways a person can vote. These centrally located voting centers would ideally be convenient places to visit while going about one’s daily business. After all, the number one reason cited for not voting was ‘too busy, conflicting schedule’.  If people could vote near their place of work, it might make things just that much easier. 

You can watch a description below.

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