Thursday, July 4, 2013

This July 4th, let's do something about global warming

Happy July 4th! This seems like as good a time as any to ask, 'Hey why aren't we doing more to combat climate change?' I recently tackled this issue on my other blog, Logical Outlook:

To summarize the data, virtually anyone who knows anything about climate agrees that global warming is real and that it’s caused by humans. Most of those people also agree that it’s going to be terrible. A large fraction of the human population is going to suffer and die, thanks to our inaction on this issue. Yet, nearly half the population of the United States does not know that this is settled science because our politicians and pundits have been misleading people to think there’s still some controversy over the issue. Nothing could be further from the truth.

For more, plus pictures and graphics, read on.

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