Congenital generalized hypertrichosis (CGH) is an extremely rare condition of excessive hair growth. You may know it as the somewhat pejorative ‘werewolf syndrome’. Long thought to be a genetic disorder, it has only recently been traced to an insertion in a specific region of the X chromosome.
At this point, it wasn’t clear whether the problem was in the disruption of region q27.1 of the X chromosome, or something specific about the inserted piece of chromosome 5. Then DNA from the Mexican family was sequenced. The CGH patients in that family had an insertion of chromosome 4 into region q27.1 of the X chromosome. Clearly, the problem wasn’t caused by what was added, but rather by the disruption itself.
Both insertions occurred within a palindromic sequence of DNA. Although the significance of this DNA palindrome is not understood, it definitely ceased to read the same way backwards and forwards after the insertion event. In addition, the insertions were near the SOX3 gene, which is a member of a gene family known to be involved in hair growth.
Taken together, the researchers believe that these rare insertion events disrupted a critical palindromic sequence at the end of the X chromosome, which in turn up-regulated (turned on) the SOX3 gene. If so, finding a way to control SOX3 could lead to a cure of both CGH and baldness.
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