To test the relationship between movie ratings and smoking,
about 6500 kids ages 10 to 14 were randomly recruited by telephone. Over the
next two years, the youngsters were surveyed every eight months for tobacco and
alcohol use. At each interview, the kids were given a list of 50 current and
recent movie titles (out of a pool of over 500 films) and asked to list the
ones they’d seen. All the movies had been screened by people carefully counting
every incidence of onscreen smoking, no matter how trivial to the plot.
The probability of a kid commencing to smoke was highly
correlated with his having seen more incidents of smoking on film. This isn’t
surprising, considering that this year, the Surgeon General issued a report
The evidence is sufficient to conclude that there is a causal relationship between depictions of smoking in movies and the initiation of smoking among young people.
Interestingly, most of the onscreen smoking was seen
during PG-13 movies, mainly because that was the most common rating for movies
watched by kids in the study age group. Therefore, the authors conclude that if
the depiction of smoking earned a film an automatic R rating, children in the vulnerable
10-14 year age range would see far less smoking and fewer of them would begin
smoking themselves. In fact, they predict a reduction in overall smoking onset
of 18% by making this simple change.
Well, I say simple, though I’m sure that filmmakers and
theaters alike would balk at such a change. Moviegoers might also object if the
new rating made it more difficult for them to see their favorite films. On the
plus side, if smoking were enough to earn a film an R rating, perhaps most
directors would choose to simply eliminate this usually non-essential plot
point from their films. That would be a win for everyone involved.
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