As test subjects, the scientists chose five strains of Brachionus
plicatilis. Not only are these
rotifers (tiny marine organisms found in
zooplankton) a critical part of the marine food chain, but they are also
notoriously sensitive to environmental conditions.
The researchers exposed the rotifers to varying amounts of crude oil and/or Corexit 9500A oil dispersant (a
product used in the Gulf). The LC50 (lethal concentration 50, or amount of
product that will kill 50% of the organisms) for each combination was
determined. Depending on the strain of B. plicatilis tested, the LC50 with crude oil alone was between 2 and 20
mg oil/liter water. Oil dispersant alone yielded LC50s ranging from 0.5 to 14
mg/L. When the two components were mixed in ratios of 1:10 or 1:50 dispersant
to oil (the recommended dosages), the LC50 decreased to 0.2 to 0.3 mg/L. In
other words, the combination of crude oil plus oil dispersant is far more toxic to rotifers than either chemical alone.
There was one glimmer of good
news. When the researchers tested a ratio of 1:130 dispersant to oil (the
conditions actually used at the Deep Water Horizon disaster), toxicity did not
increase compared to using either component alone. This makes sense since the
1:50 ratio was slightly less toxic than the 1:10 ratio. Of course, you’re never
going to find a ratio that’s less toxic than the dispersant alone, which is
pretty darned lethal all by itself. Thus, the best you’re going to do is to not make things worse. Not exactly a glowing endorsement for a rescue technique.
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