Regardless of one’s feelings about the second amendment,
most people agree that it’s important to keep children safe from firearms. The
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) fully endorses this view. The data clearly show
that the safest home for children is one without guns. According to the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2010, gun violence was the fourth most
common cause of injury death among children ages five to fourteen and the
second most common cause of injury death in older children. These deaths were
divided between homicides and suicides.
No one believes that the 38% of households that currently
contain guns will give them up. In lieu of that, there are some sensible
measures that could go a long way to protecting children and adolescents from
gun violence.
Here are the recommendations from the AAP:
- Consumer
product regulations regarding child access, safety and design of guns.
- Child
access prevention laws that enforce safe storage practices including the
use of trigger locks, lock boxes, and gun safes.
- Regulation
of the purchase of guns, including mandatory waiting periods, closure of
the gun show loophole, mental health restrictions for gun purchases, and
background checks.
- Restoration of the ban on the sale of assault weapons to the general public.

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