Using data from the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS), which collects information directly from hospital emergency rooms, the authors found that 3.7% of pedestrian injuries are caused by talking on phones while walking. In comparison, only 2.3% of driver injuries are caused by mobile phone usage (that's a lot of injuries, so don't take this as permission to use your phone while driving. Plus, of course, injuries received while driving can be much more horrific). You can also see that the injury rate for pedestrians has been climbing, though that might be due to increased mobile phone usage.
Consumer Product Safety Commission national estimate of injuries related to cell phone use among pedestrians and drivers.
Accident Analysis & Prevention, 57, 91-95 DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2013.03.021.
The best part of this story were the examples of pedestrian injuries:
23 year old male walking on the middle line of the road talking on a cell phone and was struck by a car, contusion hip
14 year old male walking down road talking on cell phone, fell 6–8 ft off bridge into ditch.And my favorite:
28 year old male walked into pole talking on phone and lacerated brow.

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