The scientists conducted two studies, an older study of men
and a newer study including only women. In each study, some tens of thousands
of adults were followed for over two decades. Participants filled out
questionnaires every two years detailing their use of three categories of pain
medicines (ibuprofen, acetaminophen and aspirin) and any onset of hearing loss.
For men, the overall risk of developing hearing loss increased
significantly if they were frequent analgesic users. The risk was the greatest
for men under fifty years old. For them, taking ibuprofen two or more times per
week increased their risk of hearing loss by 61% percent, and taking
acetaminophen increased it by 99%! Aspirin usage led to a 33% higher risk of
hearing loss in men under 50.
The picture for women was similar, if not so severe. Again,
younger women were hit the hardest. Overall, women had a 17% greater risk of
hearing loss if they used ibuprofen at least twice a week, and a 9% greater
risk with acetaminophen. Interestingly, women who used acetaminophen more than
five times a week had a slightly lower risk than those who used it four or five
times per week (11% versus 21%). The authors aren’t sure what to make of this,
and neither am I. It almost seems as if once you’ve hit your fifth dose of the
week, you should make it a clean sweep.
How about aspirin? Unlike for men, taking aspirin had no
significant effect on women’s hearing. This was true for both low-dose and
regular dose aspirin. Again, it’s unclear why there should be this difference
between the sexes. However, of the categories of pain killers studied, aspirin
had the least effect in men, and all the analgesics had a smaller effect on
women than men. Perhaps in women, the effect of taking aspirin is simply below
the threshold of detection in this study.

Women: Sharon Curhan, Josep Shargorodsky, Roland Eavey, & Gary Curhan (2012). Analgesic Use and the Risk of Hearing Loss in Women American Journal of Epidemiology DOI: 10.1093/aje/kws146
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